Ending sharing & 聚會手記

Goto: https://www2.hackingthursday.org/h4note

Ending Sharing

    2013-08-22 21:00
分享要點 (@Rex):
    1st RULE: You do talk about h4.
    2nd RULE: You DO TALK AND SHARE about h4.
    3rd RULE: Sharing started at 21:30.
    4th RULE: A talk takes max 5 minutes. 
    5th RULE: Talk about what you've done, what you plan to do, what's the challenge.
    6th RULE: Share about where people can find your work.
    7th RULE: If this is your first night at h4, you HAVE to share.



1. 週四晚上聚會時,我們會用 http://sync.in/h4 來紀錄 Ending sharing 或聊天聊到的東西

2. 當晚回家後,或隔天,H4值日生們會幫忙將大家的筆記內容 http://sync.in/h4 上的內容,整理至 wikidot 上的聚會手記網頁上

3. 之後, H4 的自動程式,會將每一週的筆記內容,分類至每個人的個人頁面,並發信通知每個有新增內容的筆記作者們


  • 整理好的個人頁面,都放置在網頁的 "H4ckers" 的分頁中
  • 個人頁面,在 toc 上方的,都是可自行編輯上架的內容。下方則是程式自動產生(會覆蓋)
    • 若要更新下方內容,請至對應日期的聚會手記修改,之後程式整理時,就會更新成新的內容
除非特別註明,本頁內容採用以下授權方式: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License